The importance of having a website in times like these
The thing with epidemics is that we never expect it to happen to us, to South Africa. In today’s day and age, we need to be prepared for anything, especially business owners, cause not only do we need to look out for our employees, but also for our own families.
We summed up some important points on why its so important to have a website, in general and in unforeseen epidemics.
First Impressions Count:
Let’s get real- we live in a world where people Google before they shop, visit online review sites like Yelp before they buy and “check-in” via Facebook as they go about their days. Because of this, you want your first impression to be the best it can be. Beginning with your website, consumers are passing judgement and making verdicts about whether they will even visit your store, restaurant or office. They’re likely to dismiss you completely, as well, should they believe your website doesn’t reflect the kind of experience your business – or a business like yours – should offer.
No Website Means Losing Business
By now it’s clear that if you don’t have a website, you’re missing out on prospects for customers to discover who you are and if they want to spend money with you. With this said, if you have a poor website it is better to have no website. While no website equals missed opportunities, a bad website can be worse since it factually makes your business look bad. With so many template-based websites available nowadays, such as, for you to modify and customize for your exclusive business, there’s truly no excuse for your website to look unprofessional and untidy. If you can’t proudly promote the website you have currently live and available for the world to see online, take it down. A bad website is far worse than no website – but let’s be frank… both are bad for business.
It Builds Trust With Your Audience
Potential prospects don’t trust ill designed websites. If they see your poor and unprofessional design or the information looks outdated, they won’t trust your site – TRUST IS IMPORTANT. They may view your site as sleazy or devious because you don’t have an updated web design.
Think about a person looking to place a bulk order with a construction company. They’re spending a enormous amount of money, which means if your manufacturing website design doesn’t communicate trust, they’ll find another business to fulfill their order.
On the other hand, a professional site indicates trust with your audience. They will trust your business and feel comfortable checking it out further.
It’s imperative to build trust with your audience so they remain on your site. When visitors remain on your site longer, you create more chances for your business to capture those leads.
Here are some points of an ill designed website:
- Damages your credibility
- Make you look out of touch
- Costs you customers
I’m sure the above information is enough to change your mind and get a website designed as soon as possible.
If you already have a website, you can contact us to do a website analysis to upgrade your current website.
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